Thursday, July 26, 2012

There is a Time for Everything

...and a season for every activity under Heaven...a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance...a time to embrace and a time to refrain..." Ecclesiastes 3:1-8

It's hard to comprehend that this is my last week in Zimbabwe. The time has flown by so quickly and while I'm excited to see everyone back home, I am sad that I can't stay longer to continue building relationships here. God has blessed me so much more than I could have ever imagined. As John said before he left, I think I have been more blessed by the people here than I feel that I have blessed any one else.

Being here has made me so much more thankful for what I have. I have fallen in love with the kids here in such a short amount of time. Seeing them run to us as we get out of the car at their homes, brightens up my entire day.  They each have their own unique personality, each one having the ability to make you grin from ear to ear.  They have taught me what being joyful in all circumstances really means. They find joy in the smallest things. I think if everyone were given the opportunity to see their smiles and laughter, face to face, there would be a lot less greed in our world.

Some anthropologists believe that you have to immerse yourself in an unfamiliar world in order to understand your own. I couldn't agree more. Meeting the people here, seeing how on fire for God they are, and hearing about their work in their own community, has made me more aware of all of the things I could be doing back home in the culture that I live in. You don't have to go halfway around the world to serve. You can always find ways to bless people in your own back yard.

I suppose I knew all of this before I came to Zimbabwe. I just didn't take the time to truly think and do something about it. Spending time with the kids in Zim, doing homework, jumping rope, making them giggle, etc. has placed a yearning in my heart to be able to do those things in my own community. I don't want to have the mind set that I can't make a difference unless I go do something in a third world country. Before you go overseas to do something good, you should examine whether or not you are doing that "something" at home as well. If you're not, then what are you waiting for? Having more experience, gives you a better opportunity to understand and minister to the people you will be working along side in any circumstance.

I wouldn't change my time in Zimbabwe for anything and I hope that I will be able to come back someday. We are saying our goodbyes to the kids at Father's House this afternoon and there is a lot of uncertainty in the group. Saying goodbye to the kiddos one last time will be heartbreaking for all of us. Although I don't like the fact that I have to leave them behind, I know that God holds each one of them in his hands and He will continue to take care of them. That gives me peace.

Please continue to keep us in your prayers as we prepare for all of the hugs and tears that are sure to come in the next few days. Feel free to send any prayer requests you may have my way. God bless. I look forward to seeing you soon.


Monday, July 9, 2012

Weekend Away

Two weekends ago, we had the privilege of spending the entire weekend with the kids at Father's House. As far as I know, it was the first time for most of them to spend the night somewhere outside their own home. We were able to give their mother, Mary, a break for the weekend as we cooked the meals, provided them with showers, and kept them entertained with hula hoops, jump ropes, crafts, skits, etc.

We made a set schedule for how the weekend would go, but most of our plans didn't even work out. Everything actually worked out better than anything we could have written down on a calendar. The kids had a blast with just the toys we had brought. We didn't have to create a game or anything. They were pretty good at making their own entertainment and making the rest of us laugh.

The kids really make you think about what really is important in life. For instance, shower time seemed to be one of their favorite times. Mary usually has to fill up water buckets between 1 and 2 am, when the water is working, and the kids then take showers using the water in the buckets. The fact that they got to dance around in the shower, with consistently warm water, was exciting. They find the most joy in the smallest things. In reality, that is how each of us should view life.

My favorite part of the weekend was hearing their beautiful voices as we sang praise songs in the car and at church. Little Takunda, who is 8 years old, is a natural born worship leader. He loves to lead the other kids in song and he has such an amazing voice. He has the ability to bring tears to your eyes. All of the kids were given the opportunity to sing Light of the World in front of the River of Life congregation. It was a blessing to be able to stand along side them and sing with them. Seeing Mary's face afterwards was the most rewarding part.

The entire weekend was a blessing. Unfortunately it went by so quickly. I am continually learning more from the kids than they are learning from me. They teach me how to be joyful in every situation and to be grateful for everything I have. Sometimes God teaches you some of the most important things using the smallest and most gentle of people.

Ruthless concert with the kids

Sweet Juliet

Sandra and Panashe fell asleep in the car ride home.

Me and Juliet

Takunda jumping rope

Playing on the boat.

Panashe performing for the boat crew.

David and Goliath skit. So cute!

Practicing Light of the World for church

Panashe and Takunda, two peas in a pod

Playing on the trampoline at the Putt-Putt place

Waiting for dinner

Evening braai

Sunday afternoon pizza lunch and end of the weekend

For more photos, details, and different perspectives please visit my team members' blogs. We did take a trip to Hwange National Park, Victoria Falls, and Antelope Park. I'm just running out of the time I have on the internet today, so I'm not going to be able to post anything. If you're on facebook though, you can look at my photos. Otherwise, here are the links to the other blogs in case you missed them the last time: